Thursday, March 5, 2009


I've had my dog Mollie for about a year and a half. During that time, I've figured out that my dog and I are very similar. So, this posting will be just a wee bit quirky.... Here's the list:

1.) She is stubborn!!
- I have been known to not budge until I get my way

2.) She loves attention and is very much a people pleaser
- no comment :)

3.) She very often insists on playing with things that have and will continue to hurt her (cats)
- How many times have I insisted on continuing in something that I know will hurt me?

4.) She pulls on her leash, insisting on going the wrong direction
- I pull and pull until God has to give me a jerk (that often lands me on my butt) to get
me headed in the right direction

5.) She doesn't like her own food. She would much rather have everyone else's.
- Too many times I've looked at other people's lives and thought, "If only..."

6.) She loses focus easily
- I'm very easily distracted by bright, shiny objects.....and several people will smile at this

7.) She is frightened by harmless things (plastic bags and sprinklers) and harmless noises
(xylephones) but will dive headfirst into things that can cause harm (again, cats)
- Frogs!!! I fear frogs but have no problem waltzing into war zones

8.) She adores people and gets upset when they are upset or crying
- Me too but I have the bad habit of taking on guilt that is not mine to carry

9.) She is clumsy, klutzy and awkward
- It's a good day if I've managed to not spill anything or fall flat on my face

10.) She always wants things that aren't good for her (cats, chocolate, roadkill)
- Ditto to the chocolate! I often insist on clinging to things that are no longer healthy for me
(habits, fears, relationships, guilt, grudges, people-pleasing tendencies)

So there are just a few ways in which Mollie and I are similar. Funny what God uses to show you things about yourself. Guess it's time for me to let go of some of that roadkill - there is no guilt or fear in obedience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for a new post, I check daily to see if you have you imparted your wisdom to the world. Thanks for making me smile, this was worth the wait.