Monday, February 16, 2009


So I turned in my 2 weeks notice to Baylor last week. I'm just a bit nervous about it!! I keep reminding God that I need another part time job b/c there are still, unfortunately, bills to pay. :) It's when I remind God of that that I distinctly hear Him laugh at me.

This is a step in faith. The hardest part about this decision was waiting. Patience is not one of my stronger points. In fact, there are days that I tell God it's not fair for Him to teach me patience on the days I don't specifically ask for it. Again, He laughs... I had several well-meaning people tell me to just find a new job, move, take that "leap of faith". Absolutely great advice except it wasn't right for me. I know myself. Moving, going, changing isn't usually the problem. Waiting for God is. And this time, He asked me to wait.

What I have learned in the waiting is a deeper level of trust. Whether or not I "see" or "feel" God working in my life has no bearing on His plan for me. My relationship with Him cannot be based on my emotions b/c they rise and fall like a streamer caught in a breeze. What is vitally important is where I choose to anchor my heart.

I'm still not at all sure where I'm going to work or what I'm going to do. Other things besides my career are changing too. I'm up and down, excited and scared, full of energy and exhausted, but my Rock is unshakable.

Don't get me wrong.... I'm sure there are plenty of other things that I do that will make me hear God laughing at me. So, I pray that we all will know when to wait and to find joy in the waiting. And when God laughs, laugh with Him....